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What are the best prams for newborns in the UK





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If you’re expecting a baby or looking for a new pram for your newborn, you may be wondering what are the best prams for newborns in the UK. There are so many options to choose from, and it can be hard to find the right one for your needs and budget. To help you out, we’ve done some research and compiled a list of some of the best prams for newborns in the UK, based on features, reviews, and value for money. Here are our top picks:

Best all-rounder: Stokke Xplory X. This pram is designed to grow with your child from birth to 22 kg, and offers a high seat position that allows you to bond with your baby and explore the world together. It has an ergonomic seat that can recline, reverse, and adjust in height and angle, as well as a large canopy with UPF 50+ protection and a ventilated window. It also comes with a carrycot, a rain cover, a mosquito net, and a shopping bag. The pram is easy to fold and manoeuvre, and has puncture-proof wheels that can handle different terrains. The Stokke Xplory X is not cheap, but it’s worth the investment if you want a versatile and stylish pram that will last for years. You can buy it from John Lewis & Partners for £1,159.

The best off-road pushchair: Cybex Priam. If you love outdoor adventures, you’ll need a pushchair that can handle rough surfaces and uneven paths. The Cybex Priam is a great option for this, as it has large all-terrain wheels with soft suspension that can tackle any challenge. It also has a spacious seat that can recline fully flat for newborns and can be switched between parent-facing and forward-facing modes. The seat also has a one-hand fold mechanism that makes it easy to store and transport. The pushchair comes with a bumper bar, a rain cover, and adapters for Cybex infant car seats. You can also buy a matching carrycot separately for extra comfort. The Cybex Priam is available from Amazon UK for £923.

Best affordable travel system: Kinderkraft XMoov 3-in-1. If you’re looking for a travel system that won’t break the bank, the Kinderkraft XMoov 3-in-1 is a good choice. It includes a pushchair, a carrycot, and an infant car seat that can all be attached to the same frame with ease. The pushchair has a reversible seat that can recline in four positions, as well as an extendable canopy with a peek-a-boo window and a large basket underneath. The carrycot has a soft mattress and an adjustable backrest, while the car seat has side impact protection and removable inserts. The frame has swivel front wheels that can be locked, as well as shock absorbers and brakes on both axles. The Kinderkraft XMoov 3-in-1 is sold by Amazon UK.

Best lightweight stroller: Silver Cross Zest. If you need a stroller that is easy to carry around and store, the Silver Cross Zest is a great option. It weighs only 5.8 kg, but can hold up to 25 kg of weight, making it suitable from birth to toddlerhood. It has a fully reclining seat with an adjustable calf support, as well as a five-point harness and a padded bumper bar. It also has an extendable hood with UPF 50+ protection and a pop-out sun visor, as well as a spacious basket and a rain cover. The stroller has a one-hand fold mechanism that makes it compact and convenient to transport. You can buy the Silver Cross Zest from John Lewis & Partners for £150.

Best stroller for design lovers: Cosatto Woosh 3. If you want a stroller that stands out from the crowd, you’ll love the Cosatto Woosh 3. It comes in various colourful patterns and prints that will brighten up your day and make your baby smile. It also has some practical features, such as a roomy seat that can recline fully flat for newborns, an extendable hood with UPF 100+ protection and toy loops, and an anti-rebound bar that adds extra safety. It also has lockable front swivel wheels, suspension on all wheels, and brakes on both sides. The stroller has a one-hand fold mechanism that makes it easy to store and carry, as well as a rain cover and a cup holder. You can get the Cosatto Woosh 3 from Amazon UK for £199.

These are some of the best prams for newborns in the UK, but there are many more to choose from. Before you buy, make sure you consider your lifestyle, your budget, and your personal preferences. You may also want to test some models in person to see how they feel and fit in your car and home. Whatever you choose, we hope you and your baby enjoy your journeys together!

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